53756 West Lane Rd
Scappoose, OR 97056

Scappoose Creek Inn is a fully licensed, permitted, and inspected lodging facility and we are committed to the safety and health of our guests and employees. We ask that arriving guests monitor their own temperature and well-being before they plan to arrive and to stay at home or visit a medical facility if not feeling well, have a temperature above 100.4, or are exhibiting any of the known coronavirus symptoms. We continue to follow and update our operations based on guidance from the Governor and state department of health leaders related to COVID-19 and welcome all healthy travelers.

• Personal Protection. Please use the hand sanitizer at points of entry/exit. We ask guests to maintain a minimum of 6 feet of separation between yourself and others not in your group while in common areas or on the grounds, or utilize a mask when this is not possible. Inside your suite you will find plenty of soap for hand washing. Common areas and surfaces (doorknobs, light switches, etc.) are sanitized several times throughout the day. Rooms are sanitized after being cleaned .

• Housekeeping Service. No daily housekeeping for stays of 3 nights or less will be provided. If you do need anything for your room, let us know at breakfast

• Staff is required to stay home if they think they might have been exposed to someone with coronavirus, show any symptoms, have a cough, or feel sick in any way until they go three days with no symptoms. Staff and management are maintaining social distancing or wearing masks while at work to protect guests and other staff.

Stay safe and please respect your fellow travelers and our local community as we all work through this period together. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during these challenging times. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the inn.